Our ability
to bring the great forgotten music of the past
to the attention of new audiences depends upon
the support of those who have been fortunate
enough to have already discovered it.
Your contribution to Early 1900s Music
Preservation not only helps ensure that the
music will continue to be made available for
your own enjoyment, it also makes it possible
for others to discover and enjoy it as well.
If the music we present, promote and preserve
has touched you in any way, we ask that you
please consider providing support to whatever
degree you are in a position to. All
contributions, large or small, are greatly
Your donation to Early 1900s Music Preservation
is not merely a gift to a non-profit
organization. It is a gift of music. It is
a gift of happiness, of joy, of beauty and
everything else that makes the forgotten music
we present so special and unique. It is a
gift to all those who will discover the music
for the first time as a result of our efforts
and perhaps be touched by it in the same way
that you have been touched by it.
And, if any of the great forgotten artists we
present have inspired you, there is no better
way to honor their memory than to keep their
works alive and to restore them to an honored
place in our popular culture.
We are an all-volunteer organization and have no
paid staff. 100% of all contributions go
directly towards covering the expenses of
fulfilling our mission of bringing the forgotten
music and performers of the past to the
attention of new and appreciative modern
Early 1900s Music Preservation is a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization. Contributions to Early
1900 Music Preservation in the United States are
tax deductible to the fullest extent provided by
Our 501(c)(3) tax exempt status was approved on
March 14, 2016 and is effective as of January
19, 2016. Click here to
download a copy of our Letter of Determination
from the Internal Revenue Service.
There are two easy ways to
support us: through a monthly recurring donation
or through a one-time contribution. Both
ways help a lot. Monthly contributions are
great because they help us more accurately
project future revenue. Also, a monthly
contribution makes it easier to provide a larger
total contribution over time. One-time
contributions are also wonderful because we
currently have some expensive start-up costs.
Monthly Donations
To make a monthly donation
via credit or debit card, click on the above
button or here.
One Time Donations

To make a one-time donation
via credit or debit card, click on the above
button or here.
If PayPal is more convenient
for you, that option is available as well.
Postal Mail
We have been known to
occasionally do things the old fashioned way
- and that includes accepting paper checks
by mail. Please make all checks
payable to: Early 1900s Music
Preservation. Please include an email
address or some other address where we may
send an acknowledgement and thank you. We
check our post office box at least once
every week.
Our mailing address is:
Early 1900s Music Preservation
P.O.Box 91
Fort Worth, Texas 76101
If a reasonable amount of time has gone by
and you have not received an acknowledgement
or thank you from us. please reach out to us
at support@early1900s.org
Not In A Position To Contribute At
The Moment?
Not a
problem. We understand and have been in that
same position ourselves. But there is
still a way that you can help us with our
mission that will not cost you any money:
tell people about the music whenever an
opportunity presents itself. The
easiest and best way to introduce new people
to the music is to suggest that they tune in
to Radio Dismuke to see what it is all
about. Just have them go to
www.RadioDismuke.com If you are
in conversation and they are not in a
position to write down Radio Dismuke's web
address, simply tell them to go to
www.HappyMusicRadio.com and they will be
automatically redirected to Radio
Dismuke. "Happy Music Radio" is a lot
easier to remember than "Radio Dismuke" for
people who are not already familiar with the
